Sharon Historical Society
Membership Meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
7:15 p.m. Presentation - Seven Other Revolutions Boston Started: (this is a Free Event)
How have innovators in greater Boston shaped the world we live in today? Everyone knows about the first revolution that Boston helped spark, the one with the tea and the lanterns, but what about the critical scientific and technological revolutions Boston has led in the centuries since?
Speaker - Scott Kirsner: Boston Globe columnist, author, and dynamic speaker, will take you on an illustrated journey, discussing world-changing advancements, developed in our back yard. Kirsner will also discuss a new initiative he has co-founded to create an "innovation Trail" that Boston residents and visitors can experience, similar to the Freedom Trail - which was also, he notes, launched by a newspaper columnist back in the early 1950's. Kirsner's talk will include some prizes for the most knowledgeable attendees, so don't miss it!
All are welcome to join us at the museum for this presentation and a Zoom link will be shared with those of you who wish to join remotely. The link will be sent to all members with whom we have an email address for and to those who request to join us. Any questions, please contact us at
copyright Sharon Historical Society. Sharon Historical Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Mailing address: PO Box 175, Sharon, MA 02067. Physical address: 16 High Street in Sharon